It is the time of year when we start hearing about back to school. That gets us thinking about all the programs available for kids that teach them about science and technology, which is something we get excited about. The skills learned in those programs build strengths that help students think about technical careers within manufacturing.
Back To School STEM Resources
STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathmatics) programs are common in many schools. Resources are available in places like the following:
Perhaps, you’ve heard these programs referred to as STEAM instead of STEM. The addition of an “A” involves art. There are many resources available regarding STEAM as well. You’ll find a good explaination about the addition on this STEM to STEAM website.
Another resource we’ve come across is Dream It Do It MN, which is a program created by the Manufacturing Institute to engage students, parents, educators and manufacturers. They have a goal surrounding manufacturing careers recruitment strategies.
There are many more programs and organizations that support STEM, manufacturing and related topics. We try to stay on top of the latest information and though others might be interested too. As you’re preparing for a new school year get excited about the opportunities that exist and keep science, technology and manufacturing in mind.
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