June is National Dairy Month which started in 1937 as a way to promote drinking milk. It’s continued to celebrate the contributions of the dairy industry. While June is a great time to highlight the contributions of dairy farmers and supporters we like to celebrate them all year long.
Working With The Dairy Industry
The dairy industry can be challenging as the market fluctuates. Dairy farming has changed over the years and we’ve had the opportunity to see some of that first-hand by manufacturing membrane switches in equipment used by dairy producers. Creating components for milk parlor machines for a manufacturer, a hay baler control switch, manufacturing a switch with improved dependability for a dairy farmer managing over 3,500 cows or supplying a dependable switch for milk machines that matched a distributor’s quality specifications.
Each of these situations involve a number of requirements to meet their specifications. Learn more about these stories. We enjoy working with farmers and agriculture businesses. Learning about different industries is always exciting and educational.
Interesting Dairy Facts
We’re constantly learning about the dairy industry as new products are manufactured. Here are a few interesting facts about the dairy industry from The Wisconsin Cheeseman that you might find educational or entertaining.
- A cow eats 90-100 pounds of food and drinks about 35 gallons of water (the equivalent of a bathtub full) every day.
- Americans eat more than 300,000 tons of yogurt per year.
- A cow produces an average of 6.3 gallons of milk daily. That’s more than 2,300 gallons each year and 350,000 glasses of milk in a lifetime.
- About 300 varieties of cheese are sold in the United States.
- A cow spends about 6 hours eating and 8 hours chewing its cud every day.
- It takes 10 pounds of milk to make one pound of cheese.
- Dairy farmers are paid by the hundredweight (100 pounds), not by the gallon. There are about 8.6 pounds of milk per gallon.
- Vanilla is America’s favorite ice cream flavor.
Take some time to acknowledge a dairy farmer in June. Then enjoy some yogurt, one of the 300 varieties of cheese or a vanilla ice cream cone!
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