Water and electronics are normally things that you try to keep away from each other. You don’t want to drop your cell phone in a lake or have your wrist watch fall into the toilet. It is likely that they will not function after they’ve been immersed in water.
Why does water destroy electronic devices?
Actually it isn’t the water alone that causes problems. It is the impurities in the water that connect to contact points within the device. If the device is on, the electric current can be sent to places that it shouldn’t go and that causes damage. If those impurities don’t make contact with the connections in your device and create a short then your device may be completely fine. The water does not automatically destroy devices, but it can trigger problems.
Even if your electronic device survives a water incident there is a chance of problems in the future. Water can cause corrosion, a chemical reaction, with metal and the circuit board. Electronics can often function with some corrosion, but you may notice issues or complete failure over time.
What To Do When Electronics Get Damp
If your electronic device comes in contact with water the first thing you want to do is safely separate the water and the device. If the device is on, shut it off. Remove any batteries that may be within the device. Dry the device as much as possible. This may require taking it apart to some extent. Shake the water out of the device, gently mop up water, etc. Let the device sit out until it is completely dry before you attempt to turn it back on for best results. Sometimes your device will still function other times it won’t.
How To Prevent Water Damage
At Telamco we build many devices with circuit boards, specifically membrane switches and keypads. If you are a looking for a membrane switch that can withstand moisture and water intrusion ask about our membrane switches using HeatSeal® technology. The materials and processes used in the fabrication of HeatSeal® produces a true hermetically sealed tactile switch/keypad. The adhesive bond produced in the HeatSeal® process is superior to that of PSA construction found in other electronic switches. The HeatSeal® bond effectively seals out harmful environmental contaminants, like the impurities in water, that can cause failure in standard PSA switches.
Creating a product that prevents water intrusion allows it to be used in various locations and for many purposes without concern for water damage. If you’re looking for a membrane switch that can withstand damp environments contact Telamco today. In the meantime, hang onto your cell phone and wrist watch.
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